Sonntag, 2. Februar 2014

Beauty - BlogChallenge (english Version)

Yesterday evening I sat on my sofa around me pictures from my childhood, my teenager years and later. Between the photos I discovered also lovely letters and love letters. I was really surprised - my memories were so different what I see on the photos.

I was always the ugly duck in my memories. As a child I walked like Charlie Chaplin the other way round, so I often stumbled over my feet.  In my memories I was a little clumsy girl. You can’t imagine what I discovered as I looked at a photo from my kindergarten time.
Veronika – the little princess in the fairy tale “frog king”.  I looked so pretty.

My legs have big scars. I was ashamed because of them.  When I was 18 years old I had an aesthetic surgery.  The result wasn’t so nice, the scars are now longer. It was terrible for me to go to the swimming pool. Meanwhile I know that not so many  people will notice my scars.  For me they are always big, red, visible like a stigma. In my treasure chest I found also very private pictures from me and I saw my beautiful sexy body.

I have discovered a lot of beautiful photos from me. But I also remember what I had for a feeling in the past. I wasn’t satisfied with my appearance. I bet every woman knows the feeling. Why is it so difficult for us to discover our own beauty right now?
Isn’t it better to look today in the mirror telling yourself how beautiful you are than to look ten years later at an old picture and discover how beautiful you was?
The noticeable thing about a woman who feels beautiful is that she carries herself differently. She smiles more, is conscious of her body and how she’s holding herself, and looks others in the eye with confidence. A woman can take herself from invisible to queen in minutes just by carrying herself with poise.

What about you? How do you own your beauty? Do you find it easier to access inner beauty -self esteem, confidence, poise -when you feel connected to your outer beauty? What makes you feel beautiful? 

10 Inner Beauty Tips

  1. Keep your heart open. See others with magical eyes. Look beyond the masks people wear and see the beauty within them.
  2. Begin each day with thoughts of gratitude. Appreciate every experience, even the challenges.
  3. Release judgments and criticisms. Accept that all of us are doing the best we can, imperfect though our actions may be.
  4. Let your creativity flow. Find a way to express yourself and allow yourself time to tend the creative spark within you.
  5. Smile often. Not only will it benefit your health, but it will touch others und create connections.
  6. Pamper your body. Care for yourself, spoil yourself. Enjoy long baths, a hair treatment,  get a massage, go for it! But do it for you- not for anyone else.
  7. Exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Even if it’s just a walk around the block,  helps quiet the mind, tone the body, ground you, and nurture the spirit
  8. Avoid being mean. It’s a sure way to negate beauty.
  9. Allow 10 minutes per day for stillness. Meditate, pray, breathe- just be quiet with yourself.
  10. Look in the mirror every day and say, “I am beautiful, just the way I am.”
Try it and report back. What works for you? What other inner beauty tips do you have? Let’s shake up the beauty industry and show them what true beauty is all about.

Veronika Krytzner für Stimmperlen

This article is for the blogchallenge with the topic "beauty" - Andrea Hiltbrunner.
Rainer Sturm  /

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hoi Veronika, thank you for being part of my Challenge. The Kindergarten Story made me smile. When I was 5 years old I wanted to play the butterfly but the gave me the role of the duck. Anyway- I felt like a butterfly. Until the age of 30 I never wore short skirts due to my strong legs. So I did kind of a shock therapy because I was tired of that limited belief and honestly of the summers waisted in jeans. So when I performed the next time with my Mimeshow I went on stage with a short white skirt. In front of 600 people. It worked. I survived and since then I am wearing skirts. Here is my post:
    See you next time, March 3rd/ topic: Unity.

    1. Hoi Andrea thank you for your beautiful comment and for sharing your kindergarten story. This made me smile. And I love your skirt-story and I think you look beautiful in short skirts.
      I love your beauty is joy - blog post.

  2. It is so true how we often see ourselves differently, often with a very strong inner critic voice, sometimes not believing others who tell us that this is not the truth. Or as you could realize whilst looking at your pictures from your childhood again that it looked different for you, just looking from another perspective. I like your suggestion to look at others with magical eyes:)

    1. Yes...sometime are critical voice is so strong and our perception so different. After my experience with the pictures from my childhood I am sweeter and not so critical with me. That is a huge release. Thank you for your beautiful comment!
